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Draft December 2015 Minutes
December 10, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Peter Lamb and Isaac Lombard
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
Antrim Resident:  Jocelyne Wood
The minutes from the November 5, 2015 meeting were approved as written.
Recreation Department
Before and After School Clubs.  The BASC program is off and running.  The staff have been hired and will be on the payroll starting this week.  Activities have been scheduled through March.
Update.  The winter brochure is almost ready, and some good programs are scheduled.  There has not been much interest in the CVYSA basketball program for 1st and 2nd graders.
Town Gym
Update.  Some issues with sharing the use of the gym with GBS have been resolved by referring to the signed agreement with ConVal.  

Goodell Park
Eagle Scout Project.  Henry Johnson is under pressure to finish his Great Brook Mills Kiosk in the next couple of weeks.  Joan signed off on his paperwork, even though there is still some work to be done.  

Route 9 Rest Area
River Access.  Joan was asked by Rod Zwirner of the Conservation Commission if the Parks & Rec Commission had been contacted by a group in Keene that was putting together letters from regional towns requesting that the state reopen several closed rest areas around the state, including the rest area on Route 9 in Antrim.  A primary reason to reopen the rest areas is to provide legal areas for truckers to rest.  From a recreational point of view, before the parking area was blocked off, it allowed convenient access to the North Branch River.  The Commission agreed to support a request to reopen the rest area, although it was acknowledged that the police and rescue squads would likely have concerns if the rest area were not manned full time.  The suggestion was made that the state should sell or lease the land to Dunkin Donuts to provide an attended full-time rest area, with parking available for truckers and river access.

Update.  The November 9 meeting with the Selectboard concerning the Rec Department budget request went smoothly.
Town Meeting.  We will put forward a warrant article for $30,000 for the installation of the remaining two light poles.  We should have approximately $10,000 remaining in the CRF.  We will need approximately $30,000 for MUSCO, $5400 for installation by USI and ~$5000 for an electrical service upgrade to complete the project.  We will ask the town for $40,000 to be put into the CRF, with $30,000 earmarked for installation of the remaining Shea Field lights and $10,000 earmarked for future gym floor repairs and Memorial Park improvements.  Any additional funds required for the lights installation will be drawn from other available accounts, such as the Richardson Fund.    
Shea Field
Lights.  MUSCO installed five extended visors over the lamps shining the most light toward West Street.  The electric bill was the same size as for the first month of use, and much lower than anticipated.    
Maintenance.  The deep tine aeration was completed.  
ConVal Agreement.  Because there have once again been some issues over the shared use of the Town Gym, it seems that there is a need for a Shea Field use agreement.  Joan will try to get things going again with David Martz.   
Memorial Park
Signs.  The signs have not yet been finished.
Tree Removal.  Andy Robblee will remove the five dead trees in Cram Grove in December.
Culverts.  Steve Jones will do the culvert work next week.
Bandstand.  Since the Antrim Friends of Rec turned the tree-lighting ceremony over to the Festival of Trees Committee this year, and the tree lighting was held at the library, the bandstand has not been decorated this year.
Gregg Lake
Beach/Boat Launch Issues.  The doors on the beach house will be repaired in the spring.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 14th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary